Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas in the Dining Room

Can you believe it? Only 2 Tablescape Thursdays left before Christmas! Make sure to visit Susan @ BNOTP for more decked out dining. I'm also linking up with lovely Leigh from Tales from Bloggeritaville for Thrifty Thursday.

My table is set for Christmas dinner as I eagerly await for my 2 boys to come home from college. It will be the first time since August that my family will be complete. This is the BEST Christmas present any mother could wish for!

This is one of my favorite thrift shop finds, all polished up for our Christmas table. It's so shiny you could see my reflection on it! It's a silver butter dish with a pivoting lid.

Say, ahhh...
a little wider, please...
The lid turns all the way around until it's hidden underneath the dish. Pretty snazzy, huh?

The table is very traditional, just like me.

The gold chargers are from Wal Mart. That reminds me, I have to purchase some silver ones for my January tablescape!

These pillar candles I use all year round by changing out the color of the candles. For Christmas, they get a little extra adornment with some ribbon and greenery.

The china is called Holly Holiday, purchased over the years from May Company. Remember that department store?

Red napkins, glittered fruit, and a gold organdy ribbon complete the setting, while the Mikasa water goblet and wine glass add a little sparkle.

Lastly, some simple Dollar Tree ornaments hang from gold ribbon from my Victorian chandelier.

Wishing you all the Merriest Christmas from my cottage to yours!

Till next time,


Stacey said...

Lorna, your dining room is so pretty! You are set and I know you are looking forward to everyone being home. Me too!

xinex said...

So lovely and so festive, Lorna! How wonderful that your whole family will be all together. That surely calls for a celebration. I love that silver butter dish, so unusual and cool!...Christine

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...


Jane said...

Your tablescape looks wonderful that you'll have everyone home to enjoy it this Christmas.
I love your silver butter dish, that was a great find.

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh, I LOVE those red ornaments just hanging down from your chandelier!!!

Also that butter dish is way cool. When I first saw it, because the photo was close up of the edge, I THOUGHT I was looking at a warming dish for a CASSEROLE!!!

Kammy said...

Hi Lorna !
I love your pictures - they are so nice ! Love a traditional table too ! I bet you are so excited to have your boys home - I bet you have the best Christmas ever !

Old Time Cindy said...

Very nice table. And this is the first time I have ever seen a butter dish like that. Way cool. Happy Holidays!
Living it up at Lakewood,

A Hint of Home said...

Very pretty and elegant. Your guests will love sitting down to that table.

Unknown said...

Lovely table!! The butter dish is beautiful. Enjoy your boys home from college :)

CHRISTmas Blessings!

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

It looks so inviting...Love the butter dish....enjoy the holidays

Cynthia said...

Great table! I have to get some silver chargers as well for January! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

Angie Holden said...

Beautiful!! That butter dish is a treasure!

Dena Pickle said...

Beautiful table in a beautiful dining room!
Merry christmas!

Marigene said...

How very elegant, it.

Bill said...

Hi Lorna,
I love your beautiful holiday table. That siver butter dish is fantastic! I'd be jealous if I weren't so happy that YOU are the one who gets to own it!

Glad your family will all be together. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and the happiest of New Years.

Warm regards,

Anonymous said...

Very pretty comfy and homey.

NE Ohio

Ally's Corner said...

Your tablescape is beautiful!!!

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Your tablescape looks great. Love the candlesticks and those chairs are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Such a lovely table and what a great find! Our thrift stores don't get that silver stuff. They seem to get the good items ya know tupperware, pyrex.....I really need to ot of this area more.....

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh what a wonderful silver butter dish find! And I know that your Christmas will be complete with all your family gathered around this wonderful Christmas table!

Lori (All That Splatters) said...

Everything looks wonderful, but I particularly love that butter dish! Beautiful!

Bab's Kitchen said...

love tha candle stands with the ribbon.

Shaam said...

Beautiful tablescape! Can't wait to see January's.

All the best,

Crystal said...

Good Morning Lorna,
I just love your tablescape. The butter dish is to die for, so to speak :) Your holly dishes are lovely too.
It is great to be back and visiting your blog. Everything looks wonderful.

Bill said...

Hi Lorna,
Just stopping back by to see if you'd had time to do another tablescape post since your beautiful Christmas one. It was fun seeing it again. I really like the way you suspended the red ornaments from your chandelier.

Hope you and yours are doing well.

Bye for now,

xinex said...

Hi Lorna! So nice to see you again. I hope you and your family are having the best of the new year!...Christine

xinex said...

Just want to say hello, Lorna. How are you? I miss your posts! Thanks for stopping by...Christine

Crystal said...

Hi Lorna, Just stopped into see what you were up to. Is everything okay. I know life can get busy, boy do I know that :)
Pray you are having a good week.

xinex said...

So nice to see you, Lorna. I miss you! Hope you're doing well. Thanks for the visit!...Christine

Chandy said...

Lorna, nice to "see" you again. What a grand table you created! Wow!

Been busy lately so visits are sparse, but definitely working on it. How's 2010 treatin' you so far?

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Hello Lorna ~I wanted to stop by to reconnect. I've had a few absences from blogging and have lost touch with some of my friends that I miss sooo.
Since winter landed on our provided us the motivation for some indoor fun.

It's wonderful how inspiring blog friends as yourself can be, that's why I love returning the gesture, by sharing cooking or DIY ideas too.
I hope you can stop by so we can reacquaint ourselves. .

Sweet wishes,

Crystal said...

Oh Lorna,
It was so great to hear from you. I am so glad you are doing okay and hope you are enjoying your blogging break.
I miss you and hope to talk to you again soon.

Jessica - The Novice Chef said...

Beautiful! I am so glad I discovered your blog!!

Stephanie Miranda said...

Hi Mrs. Miranda,

Thanks for the comment!! I just saw it tonight...I'm still trying to figure out how everything work haha.

Your blog is so pretty! I'm excited for your next post (but no pressure:).

I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Easter!

<3 Steph

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